A time to gather stones:

Today we can build the Third Temple in accordance with the prophecy of Ezekiel


Aryeh Ben-Menashe

I do not belong to any denomination. I do not participate in any organizations, I do not have any posts anywhere. I do not have a bank account, I do not have documents proving my identity, because I do not want to have the "number of the beast". From the point of view of this world, I do not exist.

I am in the North Caucasus, in Russia. This is a dull place, cold and empty, ruined and unsettled, like all Christianity, struck by mutual divisions and misunderstandings of each other. Aggressive empire, which is filled with state lies, a population that is turned into zombies by means of television, this country has no future, it goes into the abyss, like a goat for Azazel. So far, I am in a common prison pit with everyone, but we have a chance to get out of here if we are faithful to Jesus Christ. Ezekiel's Temple is what is missing for the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom. And we must build this Temple, because the prophecy about the Temple is addressed to us, God gave us all the necessary information about this Temple, about all the basic dimensions, so that we can build this Temple.

You can ask questions to me personally via Email, or on the forum dedicated to the Third Temple.

Email: andrew.benmenashe@gmail.com

Internet discussion: Theology of the Third Temple forum